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EDE509 Proseminar in Human Development: Foundational Concepts, Theories, Methods, and Practices

Explores theories of human development and how they relate to and inform—and are informed by—empirical research and practice. Grounded in a life-span perspective, the course integrates traditional and contemporary developmental theories, beginning with foundational concepts and considering theoretical advances and critical perspectives. Analyzes how theory informs the choice of methods for research and practice across the lifespan, understanding that development involves biopsychosocial processes that change over time, and studied through an interdisciplinary lens, considering genetic, psychophysiological, intrapsychic, psychosocial, family, community, sociological, and sociocultural contexts. Demonstrates how faculty in Human Development and associated fields apply basic assumptions and theoretical constructs in their research and provides students with an overview of opportunities for their own future work in the field. This class is required of doctoral students in Human Development who enrolled this year but is open to all other doctoral students interested in an exploration of theories and methods specific to the study of stability and change in humans.

Credits: 3
Offered: Spring
Offered Online: No terms identified
Modes: In-Person
Prerequisites: None
Restrictions: None
EDE 509 Proseminar in Human Development: Foundational Concepts, Theories, Methods, and Practices course information is subject to change, please check the latest schedule.